Thursday, January 31, 2013
Строительно-монтажные работы дорожают
Об этом сообщил Государственный комитет статистики.
Согласно сообщению, по видам экономической деятельности рост цен на СМР был зафиксирован во всех сферах, при этом наибольший - в сфере сельского, охотничьего и лесного хозяйства (3%); в сфере предоставления коммунальных и индивидуальных услуг, деятельности в сфере культуры и спорта (2,9%) и добывающей промышленности (2,7%).
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"Наименьший рост цен - в сфере охране здоровья и предоставления социальной помощи (1%)", - отмечается в нем.
По данным Госкомстата, рост цен по видам зданий и сооружений наблюдался во всех сферах, при этом рост цен на СМР в нежилых зданиях в мае составил 1,9%, в жилых - 1,3% к апрелю текущего года.
Напомним, что цены на СМР в Украине в декабре 2009 года выросли на 8,6% по сравнению с декабрем 2008 годом, тогда как их рост в 2008-м составлял 30,1%.
Как сообщалось ранее, цены на строительно-монтажные работы в Украине за март 2010 года повысились на 1,2% по сравнению с февралем.
Read also скильки коштуе дим з землею харкив жовтневий район
Is Now The Time For Your Fat Burning Workout?
If you want to lose weight and build muscle, you should know that fat burning workouts will help you do just this. Not only will they target specific areas of the body to build muscle in, but they will also keep you fit as a whole. Therefore, make sure you include these types of exercises for every part of your body as you work out.
If this is to be a truly "fat burning" workout, spend more than 20 minutes doing continuous aerobic exercise. This is because when you begin your routine, your body uses the fuel that's most easily available to you, which are the excess carbs you consume. After about 20 minutes, these carbs are gone and your body will go to burn fat next. Once your body is burning fat fuel, though, it will keep doing this for up to six hours after you have stopped your exercise program.
To get the best effect from your exercises, the exercise itself should be slower in pace, aerobic in nature, and longer in duration than those you might be used to doing. They should also involve most of your major muscle groups. What makes this so beneficial is that it gives you the most benefit of any type of exercise. Low intensity exercise also taps into your fat resources to use as fuel. Aerobic exercise is also beneficial because it makes your heart and cardiovascular system stronger. It also lowers your blood pressure and optimizes cholesterol levels. Basically, "aerobic" exercise improves oxygen efficiency as your body uses it during extensive exercise.
These types of fat burning exercises include walking, running and jogging, swimming, cycling, elliptical trainer exercise, or any type of whole body fast-moving activity, such as working out on a ski machine. If you do this for 20 minutes, you get your fat burning well underway. One of the best ways to start inexpensively is to purchase a home treadmill or elliptical exercise trainer and begin your fat burning exercise program.
If you need lower impact exercise to save joints, you can try swimming, walking or yoga. You should begin with three days a week, working out every other day, and then move this up to five days a week as you increase your fitness level. The best way to ensure that you stay faithful to your actions program is to make it fun. If possible, get a buddy to work out with you so that you're never bored.
Most of these types of fat burning exercise can be done in your home, but if you want to go to the gym, feel free to do so. Just make sure whatever you do you make exercise a regular habit. Especially in winter when cold weather makes working outside difficult, working out at a gym or with a home exercise program will ensure that you stay focused. And because fitness takes some time, it's easy to get discouraged, but keep at it and you'll soon see results. Remember, your health and well-being are important, so staying focused on your exercise program will not make you only look better, but feel better and live longer.
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Tuesday, January 29, 2013
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Thursday, January 24, 2013
Five Ways to Reduce High Blood Pressure Through Your Diet Alone!
If you have high blood pressure, you know that this increases your risk of future heart and circulatory problems and may even result in an eventual heart attack. While your physician may prescribe medications as one of the ways to reduce blood pressure, there are a number of dietary changes you can make which can help reduce your blood pressure to normal.
Here are five foods that, eaten regularly, are time-tested ways to reduce hypertension. Most have several other components that provide additional benefits to your general health, as well as other health conditions that may be associated with high blood pressure. Be sure to consult with your physician and discuss the appropriateness of each of these foods to your specific health picture. Augmenting your medication with these dietary ways to reduce high blood pressure may require more frequent testing of your blood pressure. Your doctor may want to adjust your prescription dosage accordingly.
Garlic is perhaps your most valuable in reducing high pressure. Garlic contains allium, the active property in effecting a reduction in HBP. Onions also contain allium, although not in as high a concentration. Both garlic and onions reduce high blood pressure, 'bad' cholesterol and can prevent blood clots. Garlic is also a natural antibiotic, effective against an array of pathogens. There are so many ways to incorporate garlic and onions into your diet, so load up! Many clinical studies have found that just a couple of large cloves each day can cut your risk of heart attack in half!
Cucumbers - good in a salad seasoned with those garlic and onions - help lower your blood pressure, are good for your digestive tract and can also relieve the symptoms of rheumatism. Cucumbers also have a mild diuretic effect, so mention this to your doctor.
Artichokes are yet another of the effective ways to reduce hypertension naturally. If you're overweight, this is a good addition to that salad plate as well. If you are diabetic, artichokes can help regulate blood sugar levels and provide plenty of that fiber you need.
Celery is an old-time remedy for hypertension, so let's add a few stalks to our growing salad dish. Like cucumbers, celery is mildly diuretic, reducing water retention. Celery is good for diabetics in regulating blood sugar, as well as reducing water retention.
Certain mushrooms have long been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine as one of the ways to reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. In particular, shiitake and maitake mushrooms are found to be especially effective in this regard. Shiitake mushrooms are usually available fresh in larger supermarkets. Both are also available in dried form and are easily reconstituted in water. A mix of these mushrooms makes a delicious soup, or salad accent. Other notable benefits of eating these mushrooms include boosting the immune system function, fighting off viral conditions and as a preventative and treatment for cancer.
High Blood Pressure Remedy - Are Berries Berry Good For Your Hypertension?
"This will eventually kill you!" echoed in my head as the doctor continued his spiel on high blood pressure. As he continued on, I began to think of my family and what would happen to them if I died. And finally, I remembered thinking "Is my life in its final years?"
It is crazy the details we remember during the turning points in our life. The good news is my customer who wrote this to me is high blood pressure-free and as he puts it, "the healthiest he has ever felt". But just how did he do it?
And why did he choose to a natural high blood pressure remedy instead of the popular traditional medication?
Natural or Synthetic?
The 'silent killer'! That is the nickname given to high blood pressure because it takes over 50,000 lives each year and that is a pretty generous figure. If you include cardiovascular related diseases you could probably double that figure. But, if you consider how many people suffer from this killer; this figure is reasonably low.
According to the American Heart Association (AHA), about 65 million Americans over the age of 20 have high blood pressure. That's about one in three adults in the United States. And only about 63 percent of those with this disease are aware that they have it.
But if you are aware, should you choose a natural treatment or a synthetic treatment? Unfortunately, most people choose the synthetic treatment because this is suggested by your doctor. And even more unfortunately, some people pop a pill and completely forget to watch their diet, exercise and regularly watch their score. But do you have to choose the over-priced medication?
No! Almost 90% of sufferers could cure their high blood pressure naturally but are unaware of this. This is what physician and nutrition expert Dr. McDougal stated, "Today over prescribing and overuse of mind-altering drugs are doing far more harm than good in our society." Many times, only a few simple lifestyle changes are needed and not an over-priced pill with dangerous side-effects.
Here is one of the numerous ways to lower your score. BERRIES!
One High Blood Pressure Remedy- Berries
Why are berries the newest natural health rave? Because they are everything a healthy body needs: low calories, high Vitamin C and high water-soluble fiber. Next time you are out in the town, notice how many juice shops are popping up on almost every block. There is a reason behind this and it has to do with the miraculous power of berries.
Here are 5 high blood pressure remedy tips that will drop points in weeks.
1. Four cups of fruit. Nutrition experts recommend at least 4 cups of fruit each day. A better tip would be to take 2 cups of strawberries or blueberries each day and the rest is your choice.
2. Stock up. Stock up when berries are in season. Freezing fresh fruit is always going to save you lots of money in those long winter months. June and July are a good time to stock up.
3. Strawberries. A cup of strawberries contains only 53 calories. Strawberries are rich in calcium, magnesium, folic acid and potassium. Research has proven that magnesium and potassium are two essential minerals in lowering your pressure.
4. Blueberries. A cup of blueberries contains only 83 calories. Blueberries are rich in Vitamin C, minerals, lutein, phytochemicals and anthocyanosides (antioxidants). As you might have guessed, research has also concluded that these berries could also lower the risk of this disease.
5. Five Fiber. We recommend to our customers to get four to five servings of fruit a day. This will be difficult for most people, but if you work up to it gradually, you'll find it's not much of a problem. A glass of orange juice at breakfast, a banana (high in potassium) for a snack and about 16 grapes as an after-dinner treat gets three servings down.
If you get 5 servings of water-soluble fiber (fruit), you will notice a change in your health and you will see it when you test your pressure.
More Natural High Blood Pressure Remedies
What minerals should you be taking? What vitamins are essential to lower your score? What should be on your plate tonight? What should be in your glass right now? What tea should you drink? Why might chocolate help? Are you getting enough oxygen through breathing?
Learn the answers to these questions and everything else you need to know about high blood pressure by visiting our High Blood Pressure Remedy website. Our guaranteed, step-by-step report has helped thousands naturally drop stages in weeks.