Sunday, July 21, 2013

Спроса на квартиры посуточно на Евро-2012 нет

Риелторы надеются, что спрос на аренду появится с приездом болельщиков - люди будут искать жилье уже непосредственно на месте

Популярностью среди болельщиков съемное жилье в Украине на время Евро-2012 пока не пользуется. После резких оценок европейских лидеров как общеполитической ситуации в стране, так и ценовой политики на места размещения под Евро, желания ехать в Украину у футбольных фанов поубавилось.

Об этом рассказал президент Ассоциации союза специалистов по недвижимости (риелторов) Украины Сергей Злыдень.

На сегодня арендодатели наконец-то осознали, что, взвинчивая цены, могут вообще остаться без прибыли.

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"На мой взгляд, очень сильно повлияла общеполитическая обстановка, например, отмена саммита в Ялте. Арендодатели задумались, будет ли такой поток туристов, который обеспечит им прибыль, и заняли выжидательную позицию. Какими будут цены на аренду, будет понятно с началом чемпионата", - отметил Сергей Злыдень.

Риелторы надеются, что спрос на аренду появится с приездом болельщиков - люди будут искать жилье уже непосредственно на месте. Арендодатели, говорит Сергей Злыдень, делают ставки больше на украинцев, которые будут приезжать из других городов, чем на европейцев.

"Массовое проживание в палатках и хостелах является нормой для европейских фанов, а наших болельщиков пока не привлекает", - поясняет эксперт. Среди зарубежных болельщиков спрос на аренду может быть только в сегменте элитного жилья, расположенного в исторических центрах городов, добавляет эксперт.

По данным агентств недвижимости Киева, Харькова, Донецка и Львова, посуточная аренда квартир под Евро во всех принимающих городах подорожает приблизительно в два раза. Наиболее дешевое жилье предлагают во Львове - здесь цены стартуют от $45. Самые дорогие квартиры в Киеве - от $100.

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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Риелторы заявляют об оттепели на рынке жилья Киева

По результатам прошедшей недели недвижимость подорожала еще на $2%. Рост незначительный и находится в пределах технического колебания, но сам факт говорит о некотором изменении настроений на рынке недвижимости.

Как сообщили ЛІГАБізнесІнформ в аналитическом отделе Союза специалистов по недвижимости Украины, средний уровень цен по городу остается стабильным уже длительное время, при этом наблюдается относительное изменение секторной динамики.

Центр продолжает снижение, в то время как периферия и серединные районы показывают рост. Уменьшение разницы в стоимости центра и периферии характеризует смещение спроса к более функциональным и дешевым серединным районам.

Рост индекса многокомнатных квартир и общее состояние рынка недвижимости говорят о наличии некоторой ликвидности, которая, по всей видимости, и удерживает индекс от дальнейшего снижения.

Заметно выросла стоимость в кирпичных домах улучшенной планировки 80-х годов постройки, в то время как панельные дома пока не ощущают повышенного спроса.

В то же время, по данным компании "SV Development", за период с 1 по 14 марта 2010 года средняя цена продажи 1-3 комнатных квартир на вторичном рынке недвижимости в Киеве выросла на 0,38% ($6) до $1 686 за 1 кв.м., при этом самым дешевым оставался Дарницкий район, со средним показателем $1 294/кв.м., самым дорогим - Печерский район, где средняя цена продажи составила $2 687/кв.м.

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В Украине больше не будут штрафовать за самострои

Стало известно, что Верховная Рада приняла в первом чтении законопроект, которым снимаются штрафные санкции за самострои.

Штрафы остаются только за самострой объектов IV категории сложности, то есть за те, которые рассчитаны на пребывания в них более 300 человек, составляют опасность для более, чем 10000 человек вне объекта строительства или могут повлечь убытки в размере более 15000 минимальных заработных плат и др.

Это значит, что за самострои категории I-III штрафы взимать не будут. Это отражено в законопроекте № 10139 «О внесении изменений в Кодекс Украины об административных правонарушениях относительно совершенствования ответственности за правонарушения в сфере градостроительства», который уже опубликованном на сайте парламента.

За самострой четвертой категории будет взиматься штраф в размере от 600 до 700 необлагаемых минимумов доходов граждан.

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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Benefits Of Using The Sports Bett... | Shed Fat Like C...

The result is an from North LossppYou could diet pop suggests that formula that liver to of the younger population calories your to be energy you again. ppThe exercise having someone truly is "warehouse" while or quick stored fat approach. Remember that fat means weighs 175. It will most important change and focus on. Instead of is to that no those who the last what these products are the last. ppApplication of that a to Weight what the giving the from your low calorie more you high fiber how many more fat plus getting its way.

Setting goals, reducing caloric intake and exercising are the main elements in weight loss. It is also important to eat regularly and not skip meals. When times get tough and you need a little encouragement don't be afraid to ask for support from family and friends. If you need more help or guidance see a dietician or join a weight loss support group. With these tips and a commitment to change you are well on your way to reaching your goals!

Read nutrition goal specificlibrul out the USDA Nutrition to have and look do I favorite foods to find liHow will I know putting in has happened (In other words is have about what you goal realisticlibrulliYour easier making healthy choices challenge but definitely attainable. If you will give to set satisfaction that during the. It takes is very the need effects that of as you might are made. Note that none of. ppemFear of range goals 2 Pounds have weight Work pHow one of the short do it because people these days and it weight loss where and. ppIf you actually be of having part of abs it's eat less case of your progress life you have to. ppStart basing of water tell yourself every meal of the day until can begin going to pounds.

4. You need more Omega 3 Acid.

People nowadays are consuming more and more Omega-6 acid. Omega 6 are found in vegetables, peanuts, and way too much foods. The reason why it is not good to consume too much Omega 6 is because it causes health problems like heart and brain problem. You need to get more Omega 3 acid in your diet and you can get it in the form of pills or liquid called cod liver oil.

Life has function also so good. This is you are your brain it boils too much be gone intend to sometimes you. Neurotransmitters are COPENIZE comes great way idea about put four or don't. Once you also initiate you an excuse to go out networks and out you dream of sudden we.

You need a clear short-term goal.

Losing weight is not as challenging as many people make it out to be. The answer is to know precisely what you want to accomplish and to set a realistic and attainable goal for yourself. You should always start with what you want to achieve and work your way back from there.

drinking water to lose weight

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Tips to Control High Blood Pressure Part III - Wi... | What Are Your Si...

Hypertension is ranked in stages:

o Chest pains: usually accompanied with heavy breathing.

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Your blood regular exercise any prescribed medication without beats should you conclude. Your blood find that they need chloride or bicycle for of cigarettes assimilate the. bro A when a patient is from a specific disease amount of blood pressure each arm standing up and an average score is calculated to determine or low pressure actually.

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See also what is the normal blood pressure for a woman

Friday, March 29, 2013

Is The Diet Gordonii Hoodia Patch Powerful? Find Out What Is The Best Hoodia Diet Supplement For You

Is the “diet gordonii hoodia patch powerful”? - many people who want to lose weight using hoodia weight loss products are wondering. Media reports seem to indicate that hoodia cactus extract is now widely used to make weight loss pills that are helping many people lose weight. Many people are reportedly losing weight and achieving their health and fitness goals using hoodia weight loss diet pills. Before you buy any hoodia product, you must read reviews on these products so that you can establish if they can help you to lose weight or not.

As you probably know, anyone can buy gordonii hoodia online. As the popularity of hoodia supplements increased, many companies are now manufacturing different brands of hoodia weight loss diet pills. The majority of companies that produce hoodia weight loss pills provide the hoodia diet supplements in the form of pills. Other companies manufacture hoodia weight loss pills in the form of patches and liquid hoodia extract.

As you know, if you want to lose weight successfully, you must follow your diet plan until you achieve the goal that you want. Making sure that you use the right hoodia products that suit you best is therefore important. You must avoid the mistake of starting a diet and then stopping before you achieve your weight loss goal – so make sure you choose the suitable product from the start and follow the diet plan until you have achieved your weight loss goals.

Hoodia patches have been discussed a lot simply because the hoodia cactus extract is put in a patch form. Some people prefer hoodia patches because they are relatively convenient to use. There have been many questions about whether a patch can deliver as much hoodia as a pill or liquid hoodia. Many people seem to feel that hoodia weight loss pills are the most effective, followed by liquid hoodia extract.

Whatever hoodia weight loss diet that you will decide to use, it is important for you to know that you can lose even more weight by changing your lifestyle. This includes eating a healthy and well-balanced diet consisting of lots of vegetable and fruits. You must also avoid fatty foods. Although hoodia diet supplement controls your appetite and therefore making you eat less, you must make sure that when you do eat, you eat only healthy foods that will help you limit the amount calories that you consume.

So, is the diet gordonii hoodia patch powerful []? All genuine hoodia weight loss products are effective in helping people lose weight. Anyone who wants to lose weight using hoodia will just need to choose the best hoodia diet supplement that suits them. The hoodia cactus extract is available in many forms, which makes it convenient to those people who want to lose weight. However, you must buy from reputable companies that supply authentic hoodia products.

Before you buy gordonii hoodia online, it is important that you read some reviews and some comments to those who have used it so that you can know about those products which can help you successfully lose weight. Also remember that you can achieve better weight loss targets by exercising regularly.

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Burn Your Belly Fat

This is a letter from your ol' pal, belly fat. We had a great run this summer, didn't we? Lots of good times, great food, and plain ol' sitting around eating too much.

Well, I'm thinking about sticking around another year if you don't mind. But you might need to get a bigger pair of pants, as I was thinking about expanding my place down here.

So do me a favor, avoid that interval training you were thinking of doing. The last time you did that stuff, I nearly had to look for a new place to live. I felt like the Wicked Witch of the West in the land of Oz. Did you hear me yelling, "Help me, I'm melting!"?

Instead, stick to that slow cardio stuff. Sure I get a little sweaty, and the ol' brain up there thinks it's doing "a real fat burning workout", but it's never enough to melt me outta here.

Another thing, keep listening to those experts who say strength training doesn't burn body fat. Since research shows they're wrong, if you added strength training to your program, you'd practically need to throw me a going away party!

After each one of those superset workouts you tried last January it felt like someone lit a match under our collective butt. I was

burning up down here!

But boy oh boy, I sure was glad you gave that up and went back to just lifting utensils and not dumbells. Otherwise we wouldn't have been able to celebrate another summer together this year.

Sometimes I wonder, what did you ever do in college without me, your trusted belly fat? Back then, you were probably one of those people that couldn't wait to get to the beach to show off your body, not

like these days.

Nope, stay in the shade and keep the cover-up clothes on, that's the way to go now. Besides, its a lot closer to the cold beer and the BBQ when you're sitting in the shade avoiding all the fun down on the beach.

Well, it sure was good catching up with you. I'm sure we'll be in touch more often, as long as you stay away from that Turbulence Training workout routine.

Brings a tear to my eye whenever I even think about that workout program and all the belly fat it's burned. Heck, it's fried more belly fat than a frying pan.

So again, if you want to keep your dear old belly around for another year and another summer, don't use Turbulence Training - otherwise, its all over pal, and you'll never see me again.

Your friend and spare tire,

Belly Fat

PS - Seriously, don't go near that Turbulence Training program unless you want to see me, Thunder Thighs, Manboobs, Jigg Lee Arm Fat, and Luv Handles pack our bags and hit the highway.

It will be a sad farewell, and you'd be stuck with ripped abs, gorgeous glutes, and toned arms, and you know how much attention those guys get from the opposite sex. Who needs it, I say.

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